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Southeast & Caribbean Disaster Resilience Partnership

Randall Mathews Chatham Emergency Mgmt Hurricane Dorian.JPG


Since its inception in 2016, the Southeast and Caribbean Disaster Resilience Partnership (SCDRP) has grown into the largest cross-sectoral, multi-disciplinary, regional network for resilience professionals from Federal, state, territory, and local government, non-governmental organizations, academic institutions, business, and industry. SCDRP is the only regional collaboration network for professionals in emergency management, resilience, and disaster preparedness, response, and recovery specifically focused on the U.S. Southeast and Caribbean region, consisting of the states of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida and the U.S. Caribbean territories of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Extreme Storm

SCDRP envisions a future in which communities across the U.S. Southeast and Caribbean are significantly more resilient to episodic and chronic impacts from natural hazards, extreme weather, and disasters.

Click below to read more about our mission and vision. 

SCDRP Monthly Partnership Meetings

Join us every 4th Thursday at 10am EST virtually. All are welcome to attend! Become a member or email for the meeting link.

Next Meeting: March 27


SCDRP 9th Annual Meeting

SCDRP's 9th Annual Meeting was held in Wilmington, North Carolina, on February 4-5, 2025. SCDRP Annual Meetings are different from the typical conference. We cross geographic and political boundaries to bring together the brightest, most innovative leaders in the natural hazard resilience and disaster recovery fields in the U.S. Southeast and Caribbean. This year's meeting was the largest yet, with 130 registered attendees. Together, we explored the roles of communication and collaboration in building resilient communities. Learn more about this year's meeting at the link below! 

Photo by: Alan Cradick, Alan Cradick Photography 


Become a member to receive our newsletter, information about upcoming meetings, and other resources! 

In line with our mission, SCDRP participation is freely available to anyone with an interest in learning and sharing about resilience. It is critical that all voices, regardless of ability to pay, can join this dialogue.

Thank you to our Group Members!


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Sustaining Partners

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Supporting Partners

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