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Calm Sea

Additional Helpful Resources 




Build for the Future Funding Navigator


Building a Climate Resilient Future: 5 Priorities for the Global Insurance Industry 


Climate Mapping for Resilience and Adaptation


Climate Smart Communities Initiative


Community-Based Disaster Preparedness and Resilience: Micro-Courses (University of Florida) 


Congressional Budget Office; Working Paper Series: Flood Damage Avoided by Potential Spending on Property-Level Adaptations​


Duke Nicholas Institute for Energy, Environment, & Sustainability

Heat Policy Innovation Hub

Beat the Heat: Cooling Strategies to Stay Safe (English and Spanish)



Climate Change Indicators in the United States: Fifth Edition

 Creating Co-Benefits Through Hazard Mitigation Planning and Water Resource Management 

Technical Assistance Matchmaker Fact Sheet 




EMI Climate Adaptation and Hazard Mitigation Certificate Program

Building Designer’s Guide to Calculating Flood Loads 

Climate Adaptation Planning: Guidance for Emergency Managers 

FEMA Strategic Foresight 2050

National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Riverine Campaign: River Flooding: Protect Your Home with Flood Insurance  


First Street: 

Models & Methodology 

Research Library



Drawdown Georgia GHG Emissions Tracker 

Resident's Handbook to Prepare for Natural Hazards in Georgia  (University of Georgia’s (UGA) Marine Extension and Georgia Sea Grant)


Guidebook: Ocean Climate Funding for Coastal Cities

​ serves as the premier source of heat and health information for the nation to reduce the health, economic, and infrastructural impacts of extreme heat. is the web portal for the National Integrated Heat Health Information System (NIHHIS)


HURREVAC: HURREVAC is the decision support tool of the National Hurricane Program, administered by FEMA, the USACE, and the NOAA National Hurricane Center.


NASA Applied Sciences

Disasters Practitioner Resources

Disasters Mapping Portal


The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine

Benefits, Applications, and Opportunities of Natural Infrastructure 

Building Community Resilience Through Private-Public Collaboration   

Climate Crossroads 2024 Summit Video Playlist 

Communicating the Effects of Climate Change with Britt Wray

Compounding Disasters in Gulf Coast Communities 2020-2021

Emergency Preparedness / Disaster Management Collection

Enhancing Urban Sustainability Infrastructure: Mathematical Approaches for Optimizing Investments   

Healthy, Resilient, and Sustainable Communities After Disasters: Strategies, Opportunities, and Planning for Recovery 

 Incorporating Climate Change and Climate Policy into Macroeconomic Modeling: Proceedings of a Workshop

Modernizing Probable Maximum Precipitation Estimation

 Practices for Capturing and Integrating Cost Data in Maintenance Management Systems

Public Infrastructure for Effective Climate Mitigation and Adaptation Proceedings of a Workshop—in Brief 

Transportation Planning to the Extreme for Weather and Climate Change  


National Center for Disaster Preparedness

Web-based Trainings 


National Estuarine Research Reserve System Science Collaborative

Guide to Collaborative Science


National Fish and Wildlife Foundation

Coastal Resilience Evaluation and Siting Tool 

This tool starts the process of identifying large public and private coastal and nearshore land areas ideal for restoration and analyzes their potential to provide maximum protection to human communities, while also restoring or improving habitat for fish and wildlife. The Coastal Resilience Evaluation and Siting Tool, or CREST, integrates data available at the national level, ensuring a consistent and contiguous data set for U.S. coastlines, while also informing resilience planning and project development in local communities. In territories where national data were not available, local data sets were used.​


National Hurricane Center  


Natural Hazards Center

COVID-19 and Climate Change: Understanding Place, History, and Indigenous Sovereignty in Emergency Response 


New Actionable Science Toolkit (BLM, USGS, USFWS, USDA Research Service, and NC CASC)


NOAA in the Caribbean

Join the Listserv


NOAA Digital Coast

Grant Proposal Development Resources


NOAA Fisheries - Southeast Regional Office

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Annual Inundations of Sargassum in the Southeastern United States


NOAA Office for Coastal Management

C-CAP High-Resolution Land Cover

Economics: National Ocean Watch

Funding and Financing Coastal Resilience

Historical Hurricane Tracks: Quickly and easily search over 13,000 storm tracks covering seven ocean basins and dating back 180 years. Originally developed in 2002 for National Hurricane Awareness Week, it’s now one of the most popular tools available from NOAA’s Digital Coast.

Nature-Based Solutions for Coastal Hazards: The Basics:  Training/Interactive Modules

1 hour professional credit available through the American Institute of Certified Planners

Natural and Structural Measures for Shoreline Stabilization 

Needs Assessment Guide: This guide supports assessments of training, education, tools, and data needs, as well as needs for successfully addressing coastal management issues. Once the situation and need is known, the information may be used to determine effective solutions. 


NOAA Southeast and Caribbean Regional Collaboration Team (SECART)

Hurricane Awareness Webinar Series

Webinar Playlist 


North Carolina 

 Flood Inundation Mapping & Alert Network (FIMAN)

Heat Action Plan Toolkit 

NC Resilience Exchange 

North Carolina Flood Resiliency Blueprint 

North Carolina Office of Recovery and Resiliency: Subscribe to Resiliency Updates

RISE and Environment Program 

ReBuild NC 

Regional Resilience Portfolio Program 

Thresholds for Extreme Heat - North Carolina State Climate Office 


NWS HeatRisk: Experimental Heat Tool by NWS and CDC


Resilience Policy Resource Guide and Retrofitting Program Playbook 

This paper by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners Center for Insurance Policy and Research (NAIC-CIPR) and nonprofit Federal Alliance for Safe Homes (FLASH) details three key strategies many regulators leverage as climate risk and accelerating disasters impact state insurance markets. The strategies include Leadership to Advance Building Code Policy, Creating and Sustaining Retrofitting Programs, and Fostering a Culture of Resilience.


​​Resources for Assistance and Technical Training in Region 4 on Environmental Justice  


South Carolina Food Access Map


Storytelling to Accelerate Climate Solutions 


U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation

Readiness for Resiliency (R4R) Program

Disaster Help Desk

Resilience in a Box



U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit

Waterloop: A nonprofit news outlet covering sustainability and equity in water




American Planning Association Resilience Roundtable Podcast Series

Hear from planners and allied professionals who make resilience their mission, even in the face of devastating natural hazards.


Disaster Tough

Host John Scardena, a former Federal Emergency Response Official with Type 1 response experience, speaks with other experts in the field. They share stories, lessons learned, and tips to help you make informed decisions.


House on Fire by the The CLEO Institute
A youth-led podcast brought to you by The CLEO Institute to discuss the climate crisis, activism, and hope. Recorded in ground-zero Miami, Florida.

Let's Talk Climate Justice, Y'all!
This podcast is dedicated to lifting up and centering the climate and environmental justice movement in the South.


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